Namaste and welcome to my website!

Guiding people through holistic bodywork and sacred music into their hearts gives me joy and a feeling that I found my mission here on earth.

Johannes is a Yoga Teacher, Musician, Ayurveda and Thai Massage Practitioner.
He is based in Germany, in the Black Forrest. He loves to bring the Bhakti Aspect of Devotion and loving kindness together with music and Dharma Teachings of the Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta Tradtions in an undogmatic way.
He believes in the power of weaving different approaches of Yoga, Music and Bodywork together, to create a space for Healing and Joy. Johannes has travelled extensively all over the world and spent time studying with Teachers of different Traditions.

Johannes holds diplomas from the Sivananda Yoga Organization, The American Institute of Vedic Studies, Yoga Vidya, Scuola Yoga Pramiti, Greenpath Yoga, Zen-Thai-Shiatsu and the Sunshine Thai Massage Network.

In 2016 Johannes released his first Kirtan LP “Sharanam” with Classical Bhajans and Mantras like the Hanuman Chalisa. His second Kirtan LP “Sankalpa” was released in 2018 and brings an experimental mix of Kirtan and modern Music like Reggae and Dub.


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